Monday, June 1, 2009

Fun with Photoshop - 002

For Photoshop 7
1. Open an image.
2. Image > Adjustments > Threshold.
3. Image > Adjustments > hue / saturation.
4. Check the "Colorize" option ON. (Experiment with different colors)
5. You can try following value:
Hue : 209
Saturation : 29
Lightness : 40
6. That's it !

Fun with Photoshop

For Photoshop 7

1. Open an image.

2. Using Rectangle Marquee tool, make rectangular selection carefully around the main centre part of an image.

3. Press "Q" to activate the Quick mask Mode.

4. Filter > Brush Stroke > Spatter. (Spray Radius: 10 Smoothness: 5)

5. Press "Q" again to Edit in standard mode. This will convert quick mask into selection. Select white color for background.

6. Select > Inverse (Press Del to delete selected portion)

7. Press Ctrl+D to deselect the selection.

8. That's it !